welcome to locus

Company for Project Management, Electronics and Software Development

About Us

ICT Industry

Locus is a SME company, founded by seasoned profesionals, focusing on providing services in ICT industry. Services provided include electronics development, software development and project management.

Latest technologies

Broad experience from various projects and knowledge of latest technologies is the driving force of the company. Experience comes from work with international USA and europeran companies as well as work on varoius projects in Croatia.

Turnkey solutions

Expertize in electronics and software development, together with the project management skills ensures that our clients get service either in hardware or software development or the complete service making turnkey solutions.

Our Expertise

Specialized software

The main activity of the company Locus is the development of custom software for specialized purposes closely linked to hardware development. The company deals with the entire software development cycle from the idea, specification of requirements, designing solutions to the development and implementation of the finished product.

Software and hardware development

Clients with whom the company has collaborated in its many years of business include Croatian software and hardware development companies, scientific institutions, and other companies that need specialized technical solutions. In addition, collaboration with foreign clients has been developed.

Open-source technologies

The technical solutions offered by Locus are primarily based on open-source technologies and implemented in the cloud, most often Azure. Services delivered to clients include the development and implementation of embedded systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), web applications, and data engineering.

Renewable energy

The company has educated its employees and implemented its own photovoltaic power plant to enter the field of solar and renewable energy. Additionally, the company also provides consulting and offers consultancy services in IT, project management and project teams, business analysis services, and the management and development of its clients’ businesses.

Our Projects

AVL Centar

Client: Viatel d.o.o.

A vehicle tracking system for road maintenance via a private radio network and via GPRS. It includes a central server with cartography, path display, and various vehicle states in the network. Additionally, the project has designed and implemented an IoT system for monitoring multiple vehicle condition indicators, as well as a radio communication system. The communication also encompasses voice communication through analog and digital radio networks, and generates an archive of voice communications with identified correspondents. The system is in production, and has been maintained and upgraded according to the client’s needs for many years.

Consultancy on data platform for data ingest, storage and data presentatiton

Client: Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar

The client bases their work in one segment on large sets of structured data, their processing, and the presentation of the processing results. The data being handled varies in type, amount, and delivery method, and will be organized into a unique data platform. The new data platform will ensure the uniqueness and accessibility of the data, both input and processing results. In this regard, attention will be paid to indispensable concepts of data platforms such as data governance, data integrity, data versioning, with a special focus on privacy respecting GDPR principles.


EU Projects

Locus News

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Contact Info

Locus d.o.o.

Ulica Aleksandra Ignacija Mikulića 17,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia, EU

Email: locus@lite.hr

OIB: 02221928958

VATID: HR02221928958

Bank: Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d.


Žiro račun: 2402006-1100406545

IBAN: HR7524020061100406545

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Green Web Hosting

Locus 2024 II Site by Informel

Green Web Hosting

Locus 2024 II Site by Informel